Being a work at home mom with a new baby can be an incredibly challenging experience. While juggling the responsibilities of being a new parent, it can be difficult to stay productive and focused on work. However, with some simple productivity hacks, you can make the most of your time and achieve your goals, both as a parent and a professional.
And please believe us when we say: we know it's not easy. There are so many hurdles to overcome as a working mom in any form, but adjusting your normal routine to incorporate a new baby can be overwhelming. We feel you and are here to help!
Productivity Hacks For Work at Home Moms With a New Baby
We know that balance can seem unattainable whenever you bring home a new baby from the hospital and then transition back to work, but we promise, it's possible! Our productivity hacks for work from home moms with a new baby are realistic, down-to earth, and daily hacks that you can actually incorporate into your new normal.
- Start your day with an impactful morning routine for you and your little one that gets you moving, nourished, and ready to kick-start your day!
- Use time blocking to organize your day.
- Stop multitasking during work hours and focus on one task at a time.
- Set a goal for each day, or each hour if that works better for you. Being able to cross that goal off your to-do list at the end of each day will help you feel more productive and accomplished.
- Work in short bursts, this allows you to go between work and the baby. Meaning if you have to give yourself 10 minutes of focused work, 3 times an hour, do that.
- Say “no” to things that aren’t helping you to be productive. People in your life might not understand that they can't just drop by during work hours and expect your full attention, but they will eventually.
- Have a designated space to work - even if it' s on your couch!
- Delegate tasks: It's okay to ask for help.
- Take advantage of nap time - even if it means you rest your eyes for a little bit yourself!
- Use technology and apps as much as you can to streamline your work flow.
- Make sure you are taking regular breaks. Your baby will sense that they are not being paid attention to and this will get even worse as they get older.
- Don't let checking your email be a time-suck. Only check your email during designated times during the day.
- Do the most difficult tasks first to get them out of the way.
- Speaking of email, create canned responses to generic emails. Copy and pate will be your new BFF!
- Reduce the number of decisions that you need to make in the day. This is called decision fatigue. Meal plan. Write a to-do list. Whatever you need to do to have everything laid out for you.
Looking for more for working moms? You'll enjoy these:
- 10 Daycare Tips For Working Moms That Only A Parent Would Tell You
- 10 Things To Consider When Choosing A Daycare
- 5 Things To Consider Before Sending An Under-The-Weather Child To Daycare
- How To Handle Breastfeeding When Sick
- Self-Care Tips For New Moms
We hope that our productivity hacks for new mamas working from home helps you navigate your new routine and transition to life with a new babe smoothly!
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