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6 Products For Summer Survival

6 Products For Summer Survival

Guest Post by Katy Fleming, MA, LPC, BSN, RN

Whether you’re headed on a family vacation or soaking up the sun at home, it’s time to prepare for summer fun. More sunlight and no school equates to bonfires, amusement parks, and long nights. 

Don’t let bug bites, injuries, and other unexpected needs take away from your summer enjoyment. Stay prepared with these 6 must-have products!

6 Products For Summer Survival

6 Products For Summer Survival

 Along with the heat and outdoor adventures come seasonal sniffles, sunburn, and other unexpected issues. Stay ahead to maximize your enjoyment this season with these essential summer survival products.

1. Sun Protection 

It’s time to head to the beach, lake, or nearest swimming pool– sweet summertime is here! Before you pack your bags, consider these ways to protect yourself and your little ones from sun damage and skin cancer. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) recommends protecting yourself with: 

  • Sunscreen
  • UV protected clothing
  • Sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection
  • A fully-brimmed hat
  • Shade (e.g., umbrella, tree)

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States and overexposure to the sun is the most preventable cause.

NozeBot for summer survival

2. NozeBot for Allergies

Our kiddos love to run outside and play until the sun goes down. When the pollen count increases, stuffy noses begin to hold back our children during summer playtime. 

Your search for a solution is over! The NozeBot is an electric, hospital-grade nasal suction to clear out your little one’s mucus.

Stop wrestling with your children to blow their noses or manually suction. This easy-to-use nasal aspirator is portable, rechargeable, and quick to relieve kids of their nasal congestion. 

Breathe easy this summer with the electric nasal suction developed by a real pediatric ENT, Dr. Stephen Goudy.

An important note– babies 6 months and younger are not recommended to use sunscreen. Instead, keep your little ones out of the sun and use protective clothing when necessary.

3. Bug Spray 

Just as most humans love warm weather, bugs and insects thrive during the summer season. Itchy, swollen bug bites are incredibly annoying. More concerning, they may cause serious diseases such as West Nile virus or malaria. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests using bug sprays with DEET, an active ingredient developed by the US Army in 1946. Over 30 companies use DEET in their bug repellent to avoid mosquitoes, ticks, and other pests. 

DEET doesn’t kill the bugs but rather inhibits their ability to smell us. Grab some bug spray with this ingredient from your nearest store to avoid these pesky and potentially dangerous bites!

4. Baby Wipes 

It’s no secret– life is messy. Whether you’re a full-grown adult, child, or somewhere in between, wipes come in handy. 

Baby wipes are ski-friendly, portable, and price-effective. Busy parents find these wipes helpful for cleaning off the dog’s feet, wiping up a spill in the car, or even taking off makeup. 

The #1 pediatrician-recommended brand, Pampers, confirmed that their baby wipes are safe to use on faces.

Store packs of your favorite baby wipes to stay prepared for any type of mess. 

5. Kid-Approved Snacks

When you’re on the go, quick and easy snacks are key. Keep up with your busy schedule and (seemingly) always-hungry kiddos with these nutrient-packed snacks.

Look for high-protein choices to leave your little ones feeling full. Low-sodium and minimal added sugar without artificial ingredients promote healthy lifestyles.  Here are a few examples: 

  • Bell peppers (very nutritious and naturally delicious) 
  • Apple slices 
  • Raisin snack packs 
  • Popcorn (make it yourself at home with minimal butter + salt)

If your children want to enjoy a popsicle, yogurt, or other product that may consist of added sugar and artificial flavors, check the ingredients for a healthier option!

6 Products For Summer Survival

6. First-Aid Kit 

Handle your next medical injury with ease by keeping a well-stocked first-aid kit. Consider storing one at home and another in the car for outings and vacations.

Whether it’s a scrape on the knee after a fall in the park or a sliced finger when dicing up summer fruit, we need to stay prepared. Here’s a list of helpful items for your first-aid kit:

  • Basic medical supplies: For example–Bandages of various sizes, cold packs, elastic wrap bandages, hydrogen peroxide, scissors, first aid manual. 
  • Emergency Information: Phone numbers for poison control, pediatrician, etc. Pertinent medical information.
  • Medications: For example–Pain relievers such as acetaminophen, hydrocortisone cream, aloe vera, calamine lotion, and antihistamine. 

Check out the American Red Cross for an extensive first-aid kit list and further information!

Need More Summer tips? Check these out:

Fill your summer with laughter and lasting memories instead of worrying about sun damage, congestion, and potential injuries. Consider picking up these recommended summer survival products to maximize your fun this season. 

As a licensed counselor and registered nurse, Katy approaches freelance writing with years of experience and a unique perspective. Alongside her partner, Katy loves to travel the world and embrace other cultures from volcanoes in Iceland to villages in India. 

The NozeBot will help your family through the summer months and beyond!

The Nozebot is a battery-powered suction device designed to clear nasal congestion in babies and children.

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