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5 Things Parents Really Need on National Working Parents Day

5 Things Parents Really Need on National Working Parents Day

Guest Post by Katy Fleming, MA, LPC, BSN, RN

Established in 1993, National Working Parents Day honors all parents balancing their ‘9 to 5’ job with the always-on role of parenthood. 

Whether a family has two working adults or a single parent, September 16th celebrates the tireless hard work and commitment of employed moms, dads, and other caretakers.

5 Things Parents Really Need on National Working Parents Day

5 Things Parents Really Need on National Working Parents Day

According to the US Department of Labor, approximately 65% of families have two working parents. This staggering statistic continues to rise with increasing costs of living. 

As we celebrate National Working Parents Day on September 16th, here are a few things employed parents truly need.

1. Time for Self-Care 

As a parent, finding time for rest and relaxation is difficult. When little ones are napping, mom and dad often have a long to-do list of household chores. 

Mom and dad need to prioritize self-care, even if it feels like there isn’t time. Airlines continually remind passengers to place their oxygen masks first before helping others. 

In the same way, investing in your self-care and mental well-being allows you to raise mentally strong kids. Parents must refuel to better help their little ones. 

2. Respect for Work-Life Boundaries

 It’s easy to blur the lines between our work and personal lives from checking emails over the weekend to finishing projects late at night. 

For working parents, this has detrimental effects on not only the employee but the entire family. Kiddos lack stability and crave attention while moms or dads struggle with guilt, stress, and burnout.

Here are a few ways for parents to claim their well-deserved work-life balance: 

  • Set expectations from the interview 
  • Turn on out-of-office emails 
  • Take advantage of personal and vacation days
  • Delegate tasks when possible

National Working Parents Day

3. Effective Policies 

Employers can create effective change and retain working parents by implementing family-friendly policies. Many companies in the United States don’t provide adequate paid maternity leave or any paternity leave.

Advocate for policies regarding child care, flexible work hours, and family medical leave in your workplace. 

Consider how benefits packages may bolster the entire family from education perks to mental health coverage to extensive vacation time. 

Despite laws implemented to protect breastfeeding mothers in the workforce, many mommas report struggling to find an area or time to pump at work. 

Create a safe space with a designated time for your working mothers to comfortably pump breast milk on schedule.

Top-quality benefits packages and effective policies to support working parents encourage productivity, employee retention, and most importantly– prioritize the entire family’s wellbeing.

4. Appreciation for the Dual Roles 

It’s no secret that parenthood is a full-time job in itself. Between racing to soccer games, getting everyone ready for bed, and finishing those impossible algebra problems, parents have a full plate.

Recognize the diligence and sacrifices of the working parents in your company with a thoughtful message. 

Allow your colleagues with little ones to enjoy family time this National Working Parents Day.

National Working Parents Day

5. Flexibility in their Schedule

When you’re supporting two completely different yet full-time roles, flexibility is essential. Technology allows working parents to better thrive in both employment and parenthood. 

Whether it’s a parent-teacher conference or a sick day, moms and dads need the ability to bend their work schedules from time to time. 

Remote or hybrid work options allow parents to cut out unnecessary commutes to the office and spend more quality time with their little ones. Create open communication to discuss the best ways to support a parent’s schedule. 

If you’re a mother or father returning to the workforce after the birth of your baby– discuss your schedule needs with your employee from the beginning. 

Advocate for yourself through honest dialogue and identify your schedule requirements.

Want more parenting hacks? Check these out:

This National Working Parents Day, let’s recognize the thousands of dedicated mothers and fathers by creating effective policies, respecting work-life balance, and ensuring necessary self-care time. 

As a licensed counselor and registered nurse, Katy approaches freelance writing with years of experience and a unique perspective. Alongside her partner, Katy loves to travel the world and embrace other cultures from volcanoes in Iceland to villages in India. 

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